I worked, to get a life
I got a job I liked
I happened to find a house
Which was big enough, cute, had a big garden
With many different passages, flowers of all kinds
The house was well equipped with all kinds of tools
To paint, to write, to entertain myself in endless ways
With a stunning sea view.
I built that house with people of everlasting trust
Who were always invited, though they lived far away
So everyting else was forgotten, cause I had all I wanted
But the climate surrounding the house is not that good.
We have huge sea storms, hurricanes...
And though the house is very well built, we have to repair it once in a while
And it's aging fast.
This meant that I had to stay in the house a lot
And I realised that I was losing track of what happened on the streets
Though I didn't care much
But one day, after a huge storm that destroyed the garden
I had to go to shops to buy all the necessary things to repair it
And I liked going there, talking to the sellers...
I realised that there were some things out of the house which were worth paying attention to
And I got out to the streets and squares
First, I went to the many attractions of the city; the baths, the sport clubs
And then I went just to the square
And found nice people in the neighbourhood
Interested in building a place to stay for all of us
So I'm building that for us and everybody who wants to come to our tribe
Though I'm so happy in our own house
Money is running out
The house is aging
And though the foundations are strong,
I might find myself on the streets one day.
With people I met on the streets
I built homes in the air
They were astonighinghly pretty and cute, but impossible to be constructed
So I'm trying to build another house
In a less changing environment
But I'm still in the foundations
They are quite strong, but I still don't know if they will be enough
To build a fine and welcome house
Or just a shack to refuge when hard times come
In the meantime, near the place I go
When the house is under repair
I found out that there is a village I didn't know about
With people also trying to build a common house
And I begun to help them
I don't have that beautiful job anymore.
But I'm going to other houses and they like what I do.
So I will see out if that works.
And I'm building all this, again, with those people I trust the most
Keeping track of it
Though from far away.
diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2012
dijous, 9 d’agost del 2012
la plaça del poble
He tornat a la plaça.
La meva plaça, la nostra plaça,...
La de tots
Els que compartim l'amor pel poble
Per la vida
Per un món millor
Càlida conversa
El temps s'atura... no hi ha cap pressa
Envoltada per tres muntanyes;
El Cadí majestuós
El Cadinell...
I el Catarro...
Al MEU poble, l'únic que sento com a meu.
A la plaça del poble, on es remouen consciències
On es creen idees
Per fer un món millor...
Bon viatge! Em vau dir tots amb un somriure
A la plaça del poble...
Però no marxo de la plaça
Estic allà, dia rere dia
Intentant fer un món millor.
La meva plaça, la nostra plaça,...
La de tots
Els que compartim l'amor pel poble
Per la vida
Per un món millor
Càlida conversa
El temps s'atura... no hi ha cap pressa
Envoltada per tres muntanyes;
El Cadí majestuós
El Cadinell...
I el Catarro...
Al MEU poble, l'únic que sento com a meu.
A la plaça del poble, on es remouen consciències
On es creen idees
Per fer un món millor...
Bon viatge! Em vau dir tots amb un somriure
A la plaça del poble...
Però no marxo de la plaça
Estic allà, dia rere dia
Intentant fer un món millor.
divendres, 15 de juny del 2012
Llisca el llapis pel paper
El patí sobre el gel
El cos sobre l'aigua
Els dits al teclat
Flueixen les fonts
Els rius
Els mars
Els peixos...
Per fluir cal lliscar...
Però què més cal fer perquè brolli vida?
Quan alguna cosa flueix, brolla de vida.
El patí sobre el gel
El cos sobre l'aigua
Els dits al teclat
Flueixen les fonts
Els rius
Els mars
Els peixos...
Per fluir cal lliscar...
Però què més cal fer perquè brolli vida?
Quan alguna cosa flueix, brolla de vida.
dimarts, 12 de juny del 2012
Unreal, annoying, happy-feely...
That gives my hopes up
It also gives my hopes down
Confuses me
It came very deep
It's also just a scratch
It's mind, and body, connections
That are scary
And you deny
Eyes, thoughts, creativity, perception.
Feelings, sensitivity
Deja vu
Likes and dislikes
Thoughts keep appearing,
though in a different form
Is this something?
I wish I could leave it here
Cause it's no good for me
Or for others I love
It was up in the sky
Now it's coming down to earth
But it's still deep
And also, just a scratch
A little wind that moves the pieces
of the domino of my life
But it is not strong enough to tear them down
And leave an empty piece of paper
What has been written is coming out
Saying hello
It might get illustrated
But it will not erase what has already been there
Written deep in skin
Though I'd like to have the blank paper
To write without any pain
It's unreal...
I have to accept pain as a part of life
Of love
And grow up... just as I ask of you
But you have given me a road map...
Of my creativity...
Of perception
And I will follow it
As far as the north fjords go
In solitude
Though imagining you are there
Every step of the way
Unreal, annoying, happy-feely...
That gives my hopes up
It also gives my hopes down
Confuses me
It came very deep
It's also just a scratch
It's mind, and body, connections
That are scary
And you deny
Eyes, thoughts, creativity, perception.
Feelings, sensitivity
Deja vu
Likes and dislikes
Thoughts keep appearing,
though in a different form
Is this something?
I wish I could leave it here
Cause it's no good for me
Or for others I love
It was up in the sky
Now it's coming down to earth
But it's still deep
And also, just a scratch
A little wind that moves the pieces
of the domino of my life
But it is not strong enough to tear them down
And leave an empty piece of paper
What has been written is coming out
Saying hello
It might get illustrated
But it will not erase what has already been there
Written deep in skin
Though I'd like to have the blank paper
To write without any pain
It's unreal...
I have to accept pain as a part of life
Of love
And grow up... just as I ask of you
But you have given me a road map...
Of my creativity...
Of perception
And I will follow it
As far as the north fjords go
In solitude
Though imagining you are there
Every step of the way
dijous, 24 de maig del 2012
Tothom era allà. Totes les
esperances i cadascú de nosaltres, únics, amb els nostres passats, érem allà.
Jo parlava; parlava per tots, però volia que tu em sentissis. Que t’emocionessis
amb mi. Quan vaig aixecar la vista, et vaig veure... emocionat, somrient. La
resta de cares de la multitud estaven difuminades, com en una fotografia
desenfocada. Només hi eres tu, el teu somriure i la teva mirada brillant. I
així, el món es va aturar i una imatge més per als records inesborrables.
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